W3C Member Submission 22 February 2011, updated 12 September, 2013

W3C Member Submission:
This version (almost identical to W3C Member Submission, but with generalized handling of sp:text and added support for VALUES):
Holger Knublauch <holger@topquadrant.com>

This document is available under the W3C Document License. See the W3C Intellectual Rights Notice and Legal Disclaimers for additional information.


This document describes the SPIN SPARQL Syntax, an RDF representation of the semantic web query language SPARQL. The SPIN SPARQL Syntax provides an alternative representation of SPARQL queries that goes beyond the textual format. The main benefit of this syntax is that it makes it possible to consistently store SPARQL queries together with the domain model. All resources from the domain model are represented as proper RDF resource references instead of only having them as strings. Having a triple-based SPARQL representation makes it easier to maintain hybrid models in which RDF/OWL definitions are mixed with SPARQL expressions.

Status of This Document

SPIN has originally evolved as a specification developed by TopQuadrant. As of February 2011, SPIN has been published by W3C as a member submission. TopQuadrant may continue to improve SPIN in the future and make changes that will be published here. As of January 2013, this version is almost identical to the official W3C submission, except that we have lifted the requirement of using the SPIN RDF syntax for the definition of queries and update commands if (and only if) sp:text triples are present. Accordingly, we have changed the RDF source code of some examples in the SPIN Modeling Vocabulary document, to make them easier to read.

Table of Contents

1 Overview

The design of the SPIN SPARQL Syntax was motivated by the need to have a machine-readable notation of SPARQL queries so that they can be stored together with other domain models and ontologies in RDF format. The main goal is to enable SPIN compliant software tools to convert SPIN RDF data structures into valid SPARQL query strings, so that they can be processed for various purposes. Editing tools would go the other direction and turn a SPARQL query into an RDF structure.

For example, the SPARQL query

    # must be at least 18 years old
    	?this my:age ?age .
    	FILTER (?age < 18) .

can be represented by a blank node in the SPIN RDF Syntax in Turtle as

    [ a       sp:Ask ;
                rdfs:comment "must be at least 18 years old"^^xsd:string ;
                sp:where ([ sp:object sp:_age ;
                            sp:predicate my:age ;
                            sp:subject spin:_this
                          ] [ a       sp:Filter ;
                                    [ sp:arg1 sp:_age ;
                                      sp:arg2 18 ;
                                      a sp:lt

Alternatively, the property sp:text can be used within the surrounding blank node, creating a more human-readable notation:

    [ a       sp:Ask ;
                sp:text """
                    # must be at least 18 years old
                    ASK WHERE {
                        ?this my:age ?age .
                        FILTER (?age < 18) .

In a typical scenario, each SPARQL query is stored as a (tree) structure of blank nodes. Syntax rules specify which elements can be nested into each other. The top-level blank node of a query is an instance of one of the subclasses of sp:Query, such as sp:Ask. Queries typically have a WHERE clause, encoded as a value of the sp:where property. The elements in the WHERE clause are represented as instances of subclasses of sp:Element (or plain rdf:Lists for element lists). Some element types such as sp:Filter may point to an Expression. This document introduces the various types of expressions, then the elements and finally the query objects and SPARQL UPDATE language requests.

The URL of the SPIN SPARQL Syntax schema is http://spinrdf.org/sp. It currently covers all standard SPARQL language elements as well as parts of the evolving SPARQL 1.1 language including SPARQL Update.


2 Expressions

Expressions are used, among others, as conditions in FILTER elements and in BIND assignments. Three kinds of expressions are supported by SPIN: Constants, Variables and Function calls.

2.1 Constants

Constants are simply represented by a URI resource or a literal.

2.2 Variables

Variables are represented by resources that have a string value for the sp:varName property. In many cases, these resources may be untyped blank nodes, but there is also a marker class sp:Variable that can be used to make variables better visible. However, only sp:varName is used to distinguish variables from other types of expressions.

The following example represents a variable called ?x.

    [ sp:varName "x"^^xsd:string

2.3 Function calls

Function calls are blank nodes that have the function's URI as their rdf:type. All other properties of the blank node are interpreted as arguments. By default, the arguments are stored as values of the pre-defined system properties sp:arg1, sp:arg2, etc. However, any other property can be used as well.

When a function call is serialized back to SPARQL textual syntax, then the argument properties are ordered by their local names, and the built-in properties sp:arg1 etc appear at their designed position, e.g. sp:arg4 will always appear as forth argument. Any other properties are filling in the remaining spots, not occupied by the built-in properties.

Note that a function call cannot have a value for sp:varName because this would turn it into a variable.

The following example represents the function call ex:getMaximum(42, 43):

    [ a       ex:getMaximum ;
      sp:arg1 42 ;
      sp:arg2 43

The SPIN RDF Syntax provides standard URIs for the built-in functions and operators of the SPARQL language. For example, sp:gt represents the > operator.

SPARQL 1.1 introduces the ability to use EXISTS and NOT EXISTS in SPARQL expressions. The SPIN RDF Syntax represents those as blank nodes of type sp:exists and sp:notExists. Those nodes point to a list of elements via the sp:elements property.


3 Elements

SPARQL query elements are the main entities mentioned in WHERE clauses, including triple patterns and FILTER clauses.

3.1 TriplePattern

A blank node that has exactly one value for the properties sp:subject, sp:predicate and sp:object represents a triple pattern. Optionally, the blank node may have the rdf:type sp:TriplePattern.


    ?this ex:age 42 .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ sp:subject spin:_this ;
      sp:predicate ex:age ;
      sp:object 42

Note that the properties sp:subject etc are similar to the built-in system properties rdf:subject. SPIN does not use the latter to avoid potentially confusing overlaps with the RDF reification vocabulary.

3.2 TriplePath

Triple paths are similar to triple patterns, but have a path expression instead of a predicate. SPIN represents triple paths as blank nodes with a value of sp:path, as well as sp:subject and sp:object values. The blank node may also have sp:TriplePath as its rdf:type.

Various types of paths are supported, based on what is currently implemented in the Jena ARQ API:


    ?this ex:father/ex:age 42 .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:TriplePath ;
      sp:subject spin:_this ;
      sp:path [ a       sp:SeqPath ;
                sp:path1 ex:father ;
                sp:path2 ex:age
              ] ;
      sp:object 42

3.3 Filter

Filter elements are stored as blank nodes that have sp:Filter as their rdf:type. The blank node must have exactly one value for the property sp:expression, pointing to an expression that can be evaluated to true or false.


    FILTER (?age >= 18) .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Filter ;
              [ a       sp:ge ;
                sp:arg1 [ sp:varName "age"^^xsd:string ] ;
                sp:arg2 18

3.4 Bind

The BIND keyword was introduced by SPARQL 1.1 to assign a computed value to a variable in the middle of a pattern. The computed value can then be used in other patterns, CONSTRUCT templates etc.

The SPIN SPARQL Syntax introduces the class sp:Bind to represent BIND assignments. Instances of this class must be blank nodes with one value for sp:variable to point at the variable on the right side of the assignment. The property sp:expression is used to point to the root of the expression tree that delivers the computed value.


    BIND (2008 - ?birthYear AS ?age) .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Bind ;
      sp:variable [ sp:varName "age"^^xsd:string ] ;
              [ a       sp:sub ;
                sp:arg1 2008 ;
                sp:arg2 [ sp:varName "birthYear"^^xsd:string  ]

Note: Earlier versions of SPIN were using sp:Let instead of sp:Bind.

3.5 ElementList

Lists of other elements are used in various places in SPARQL, for example as root of the WHERE clause. SPIN represents them as plain rdf:Lists, where each list member must be another element.

3.6 Optional

Optional element blocks are instances of sp:Optional where the property sp:elements is used to point to the list of optional elements (stored as rdf:List).


    OPTIONAL { ?this ex:firstName ?value }

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Optional ;
      sp:elements ([ sp:subject spin:_this ;
                     sp:predicate ex:firstName ;
                     sp:object  [ sp:varName "value"^^xsd:string ]

3.7 Union

The UNION operator in SPARQL can be used to specify a graph pattern that matches if one out of several sub-elements matches. SPIN represents UNIONs as blank nodes of type sp:Union, where sp:elements points to an rdf:List of nested element lists (themselves rdf:Lists).


        ?this ex:age 42
        ?this ex:age 43

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Union ;
      sp:elements ( ([ sp:subject spin:_this ;
                       sp:predicate ex:age ;
                       sp:object 42
                    ([ sp:subject spin:_this ;
                       sp:predicate ex:age ;
                       sp:object 43

3.8 NamedGraph

Blank instances of the class sp:NamedGraph represent named graph elements in a query. The property sp:graphNameNode stores the URI resource of the named graph, or a variable. sp:elements links the blank node with an rdf:List containing the elements in the named graph.


    GRAPH <http://example.org> { 
    	?this ex:firstName ?value 

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:NamedGraph ;
      sp:graphNameNode <http://example.org> ;
      sp:elements ([ sp:subject spin:_this ;
                     sp:predicate ex:firstName ;
                     sp:object  [ sp:varName "value"^^xsd:string ]

3.9 SubQuery

Blank instancef of the class sp:SubQuery represent sub-queries that are nested in the body of another query. The property sp:query points to the nested query.


    SELECT ?y
    WHERE {
        ?class a rdfs:Class .
            SELECT ?y
            WHERE {
                ?class rdfs:label ?y .
        } .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

        [ a       sp:Select ;
                sp:resultVariables (_:b2) ;
                sp:where ([ sp:object rdfs:Class ;
                            sp:predicate rdf:type ;
                            sp:subject _:b1
                          ] [ a       sp:SubQuery ;
                                    [ a       sp:Select ;
                                      sp:resultVariables (_:b2) ;
                                      sp:where ([ sp:object _:b2 ;
                                                  sp:predicate rdfs:label ;
                                                  sp:subject _:b1

3.10 NotExists

SPARQL 1.1 will provide keywords for negation. One of the proposals (implemented in Jena's ARQ engine) is to use the NOT EXISTS keyword. In SPIN, NOT EXISTS blocks are represented as instances of sp:NotExists where the property sp:elements is used to point to the list of negative elements (stored as rdf:List).


    NOT EXISTS { ?this ex:firstName ?value }

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:NotExists ;
      sp:elements ([ sp:subject spin:_this ;
                     sp:predicate ex:firstName ;
                     sp:object  [ sp:varName "value"^^xsd:string ]

3.11 Minus

In addition to NOT EXISTS, SPARQL 1.1 will also introduce the keyword MINUS. In SPIN, MINUS blocks are represented as instances of sp:Minus where the property sp:elements is used to point to the list of negative elements (stored as rdf:List).


    MINUS { ?this ex:firstName ?value }

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Minus ;
      sp:elements ([ sp:subject spin:_this ;
                     sp:predicate ex:firstName ;
                     sp:object  [ sp:varName "value"^^xsd:string ]

3.12 Service

The SERVICE keyword can be used to match a sub-query against a remote SPARQL end point. SPIN RDF Syntax represents such SERVICE calls with instances of sp:Service where the property sp:elements is used to point to the list of optional elements (stored as rdf:List), and the property sp:serviceURI points to the URI of the SPARQL end point.


    SERVICE <http://dbpedia.org/sparql> { 
        ?this ex:firstName ?value }

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Service ;
      sp:serviceURI <http://dbpedia.org/sparql>
      sp:elements ([ sp:subject spin:_this ;
                     sp:predicate ex:firstName ;
                     sp:object  [ sp:varName "value"^^xsd:string ]

3.13 Values

The VALUES keyword can be used to pre-bind variables with given RDF nodes.


    SELECT ?country ?code
    WHERE {
        VALUES (?country ?code) {
            (ex:Germany "de")
            (ex:Norway "no")
            (ex:Endor UNDEF)
        } .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a sp:Select ;
        sp:resultVariables  ( 
            [ sp:varName  "country"^^xsd:string ]
            [ sp:varName  "code"^^xsd:string ] ) ;
        sp:where            ( 
            [   a  sp:Values ;
                sp:bindings  ( 
                    ( ex:Germany "de" )
                    ( ex:Norway "no" ) 
                    ( ex:Norway sp:undef ) 
                ) ;
                sp:varNames  ( "country"^^xsd:string "code"^^xsd:string )
            ] )

VALUES clauses can also be used on queries, in which case the query object must point to an sp:Values blank node via sp:values.


4 Queries

Queries are the top-level objects in the SPIN metamodel. Queries are instances of the subclasses of sp:Query: sp:Ask, sp:Select, sp:Describe and sp:Construct. Queries might be blank nodes, and in most cases they will be blank nodes that are only linked to the rest of a model via properties such as spin:rule or spin:constraint.

Common to all query types is that they may have a WHERE clause. The WHERE clause is an element list stored as value of the sp:where property on the query instance.

Other common properties are sp:from and sp:fromNamed which can be used to link a query instance with FROM and FROM NAMED URIs, respectively. Queries can have an rdfs:comment to capture a comment string. In the textual notation of SPARQL, those comments would show up in the lines above the query, behind # characters. SPIN currently does not support comments that are placed elsewhere in the query, because many SPARQL parsers do not preserve this information.

Queries may have the textual form in the original SPARQL syntax stored as a string using sp:text. This may contribute to readability and may be useful for tools that cannot parse the full SPIN SPARQL syntax. Note that while the textual notation of SPARQL supports explicit prefix declarations, these are not needed in SPIN. The prefixes declared by the RDF model itself will be used in addition to those defined in the sp:text. Implementations should support both syntaxes, but if no full SPIN RDF parser is available, the engines may only use the sp:text triple. In order to parse those, a system should prepend the prefix declarations from the surrounding RDF graph, to make the sp:text valid for parsing.

The following sections provide some details on the various types of queries.

4.1 Ask

The class sp:Ask is used to represent ASK queries.


    # must be at least 18 years old
        ?this ex:age ?age .
        FILTER (?age >= 18) .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Ask ;
      rdfs:comment "must be at least 18 years old"^^xsd:string ;
      sp:where ([ sp:object _:b1 ;
                  sp:predicate ex:age ;
                  sp:subject spin:_this
                ] [ a       sp:Filter ;
                            [ a       sp:ge ;
                              sp:arg1 _:b1 ;
                              sp:arg2 18

Note that in the above example, the blank node _:b1 points to the variable ?age elsewhere in the model.

4.2 Select

The class sp:Select is used to represent SELECT queries.

If a SELECT query has a DISTINCT keyword, then its value of sp:distinct is set to true. Similarly, the REDUCED keyword is mapped into sp:reduced.

For SELECT queries that do not have the star (*) format, the property sp:resultVariables points to an rdf:List of the variables or aggregations behind the SELECT keyword. This property is left empty in the case of SELECT *.

The following types of aggregations are supported right now:

SPARQL Aggregation SPIN Class
AVG sp:Avg
COUNT sp:Count
MAX sp:Max
MIN sp:Min
SUM sp:Sum

For example, each COUNT expression is a blank node of type sp:Count which can have an expression in its sp:expression property. Each of those nodes can have a boolean flag sp:distinct to support the SPARQL DISTINCT keyword inside of an aggregation.

SELECT queries may have solution modifiers. A LIMIT keyword is mapped into an integer value of sp:limit. Similarly, OFFSET is stored with sp:offset.

If an ORDER BY statement is present in a query, then the SPIN query object will have a property sp:orderBy that points to an rdf:List. The members of this list are either expressions, or blank nodes of type sp:Asc or sp:Desc which have the expression stored as value of the sp:expression property.


    SELECT COUNT(?object)
    WHERE {
    	?this ?arg1 ?object

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Select ;
      sp:resultVariables ([ a       sp:Count ;
                            sp:expression sp:_object
                          ]) ;
      sp:where ([ sp:object sp:_object ;
                  sp:predicate spin:_arg1 ;
                  sp:subject spin:_this

4.3 Describe

The class sp:Describe is used to represent DESCRIBE queries. Comparable to SELECT queries, the property sp:resultNodes is used to link to the list of described variables.


    DESCRIBE ?value
    WHERE {
    	?this ex:uncle ?value

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Describe ;
      sp:resultNodes (sp:_value) ;
      sp:where ([ sp:object sp:_value ;
                  sp:predicate ex:uncle ;
                  sp:subject spin:_this

4.4 Construct

The class sp:Construct is used to represent CONSTRUCT queries. Beside the usual sp:where clauses, the property sp:templates links to an rdf:List of template triples. Each of these template triples is a blank node with values for sp:subject, sp:predicate and sp:object.


    # infer grandParent relationship
    	?this ex:grandParent ?grandParent .
    WHERE {
        ?parent ex:child ?this .
        ?grandParent ex:child ?parent .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Construct ;
      rdfs:comment "infer grandParent relationship"^^xsd:string ;
      sp:templates ([ sp:object sp:_grandParent ;
                      sp:predicate ex:grandParent ;
                      sp:subject spin:_this
                    ]) ;
      sp:where ([ sp:object spin:_this ;
                  sp:predicate ex:child ;
                  sp:subject sp:_parent
                [ sp:object sp:_parent ;
                  sp:predicate ex:child ;
                  sp:subject sp:_grandParent


5 Update Requests

The SPARQL UPDATE language is currently evolving as part of the SPARQL 1.1 working group. Many UPDATE operations share the same syntax as SPARQL queries in the WHERE clause. INSERT and DELETE operations are also similar to CONSTRUCT queries. A major difference however is that the heads of the INSERT and DELETE queries allow nested GRAPH elements, in addition to triple patterns.

5.1 InsertData

The class sp:InsertData represents INSERT DATA operations. The values of sp:data must be rdf:Lists with blank nodes as members - either triples or sp:NamedGraph elements. Note that this syntax is slighly more general than what the SPARQL 1.1 standard allows (either a named graph or a triples block), but the SPIN syntax is consistent with how similar blocks are represented in INSERT/DELETE operations and elsewhere.


        GRAPH <http://example.org> {
            owl:Nothing a owl:Nothing .
    [ a       sp:InsertData ;
                sp:data ([ a       sp:NamedGraph ;
                            sp:elements ([ sp:object owl:Nothing ;
                                        sp:predicate rdf:type ;
                                        sp:subject owl:Nothing
                                      ]) ;
                            sp:graphNameNode <http://example.org>

5.2 DeleteData

DELETE DATA operations are encoded similar to INSERT DATA, but with sp:DeleteData instead of sp:InsertData.

5.3 Modify (DELETE/INSERT)

The class sp:Modify is used to represent DELETE/INSERT requests.


    WITH <urn:example:graph>
    DELETE {
        :Thing rdfs:label ?oldLabel .
    INSERT {
        :Thing rdfs:label "New label" .
    WHERE {
        :Thing rdfs:label ?oldLabel .

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Modify ;
      sp:graphIRI <urn:example:graph> ;
      sp:deletePattern ([ sp:object _:b1 ;
                          sp:predicate rdfs:label ;
                          sp:subject :Thing
                        ]) ;
      sp:insertPattern ([ sp:object "New label" ;
                          sp:predicate rdfs:label ;
                          sp:subject :Thing
                        ]) ;
      sp:where         ([ sp:object _:b1 ;
                          sp:predicate rdfs:label ;
                          sp:subject :Thing

The values of sp:deletePattern and sp:insertPattern must be rdf:Lists with blank nodes as members - either triples or sp:NamedGraph elements. The properties may point to an empty list (rdf:nil) to make sure that the operation will print an empty DELETE or INSERT block, resp.

The optional WITH clause is encoded using sp:graphIRI. sp:using and sp:usingNamed may point to zero or more named graphs (not stored as lists but individual triples).

The WHERE clause is encoded similar to other queries, using sp:where.

5.4 DeleteWhere

The class sp:DeleteWhere represents DELETE WHERE operations. The WHERE clause is encoded similar to other queries, using sp:where.

5.5 Load

The class sp:Load represents LOAD operations. sp:document points to the document to load. The property sp:into may point to the optional target graph.


    LOAD <http://example.org> INTO GRAPH <http://target.org>

Represented in SPIN Syntax as:

    [ a       sp:Load ;
      sp:document <http://example.org> ;
      sp:into <http://target.org>

5.6 Clear

The class sp:Clear represents CLEAR operations. The SILENT option is represented using sp:silent set to "true"^^xsd:boolean. The target is represented with either sp:graphIRI (pointing to a IRI resource), or boolean flags sp:default, sp:named or sp:all set to true.

5.7 Create

The class sp:Create represents CREATE operations. The SILENT option is represented using sp:silent set to "true"^^xsd:boolean. The target is represented with sp:graphIRI (pointing to a IRI resource).

5.8 Drop

The class sp:Drop represents DROP operations. The SILENT option is represented using sp:silent set to "true"^^xsd:boolean. The target is represented with either sp:graphIRI (pointing to a IRI resource), or boolean flags sp:default, sp:named or sp:all set to true.


Appendix: Reference

The SPIN SPARQL Syntax schema can be found at http://spinrdf.org/sp.